Tuesday, December 8, 2009

everyday knowledges

perhaps the knowledge chapter can be something like: everyday knowledges? can i put lyotard up against certeau and lefebvre? i think so. there seems to be room to move between discussion of tactics (within strategies) and know-how (within knowledge). though something to ponder.

i keep finding other papers and books. need to stop that.

can't keep track of my notes and random ideas that come and go, so this blog will serve as a notepad for phdness. i like that things might not get so lost. though this has the potential to be bigger than the phd itself. not to mention rambling, confused, and unwieldy. will try to keep it brief.

just started reading a short essay by gardiner called everyday knowledge (oops, can't use that title, it's already taken):

typically (though not inevitably), everyday knowledges are ruled by emotion and affect rather than formal logic; they tend to be repetitive, prone to analogical forms of reasoning and over-generalization; and they are pragmatic, based upon immediate perceptions and experiences and subordinated to the requirements of mundane tasks. Everyday knowledges are a form of doxa, legitimated by commonsensical opinions and not reliant on ‘certainty’ in any scientific sense. (2006: 205)

that looks like my link from certeau to lyotard. can easily relate this to savoir-faire. i wonder if anyone else is talking about savoir-faire?

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